A few things that we have done in the past year
- South East Region held a poker run to help the Tiny Homes project. They were able to raise $2500 to help provide Tiny Homes for Veterans’ Project for the Savannah, GA Housing Authority!!
- The WA Chapter had to demolish, build a porch and clean up/burn debris on a property owned by a Veteran in Gold Bar, WA on 14-15 October. Brothers Boxxer/x2 kids – JJ and Ryan; Buford, Caveman, Stoic, Squirrel, Quake, Prosoects, Hang Arounds and even a volunteer, Blaine, helped with the project. The porch project was approved/materials donated and funds allocated by the WA Chapter so the veteran can go outside during inclement weather. This porch is now safe and level with his front door, which allows for easier access in/out of his home, due to his disabilities, and is equipped with a railing to help him into/out of his vehicle which he pulls up next to his home. Doing great things here in WA for our Vets! WA Chapter Just helped to fix up a Navy Veterans house that was in disrepair. Purchased and installed a washing machine for a Vietnam Veteran who needed one. Has purchased and installed a wheelchair ramp for a Veteran in a wheelchair after their house caught fire and they had to be relocated to this house that was not handicap accessible. They helped another disabled veteran who’s house was in desperate need of a paint job. Last Christmas they adopted a Vietnam veterans family and help provide for a good Christmas for all. Ran a clothing drive to help keep homeless veterans warm during the winter months.
- NH hosted a event/Ride to raise money for Liberty House in Manchester, NH. We raised $4,000 to give to them to help veterans in need. 8/3/24, NH just gave an Army Veteran a last ride. He was given 2 – 4 weeks to live and one thing he wanted was to go on one last motorcycle ride. So we made his wish come true! We held a bike night for this veteran and all proceeds went to help cover his funeral costs. NH Just acquired the materials needed to replace a handicap ramp for a Vietnam veteran and did the work to build it. They also do house repairs and installed air conditioning for the same family. NH Helped a homeless Veteran pay for a hotel until housing became available to home. NH Took part in a Wounded Veteran Ride making over $200,000 for 9 Marines who were injured in Afghanistan during the withdrawal. NH Chapter donated $2,000 to Hidden Battles to help struggling Veterans in the area. NH Chapter has Donated $2,000 to Mission 22 to help fight the veteran suicide pandemic. They also Helped 2 separate veterans who lost their homes, find new housing and gave them money to help get them on their feet. Rebuilt 2 veterans motorcycles so that they were ridable once again. We donated almost $10k to help a brother who lost his leg and too the 50 Legs organization. We gave an elderly veteran, who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, a final ride on a motorcycle as it was one of his wishes.
- PA chapter had a beautiful day today helping out our Veteran friend Rickey, a Vietnam Era Army Vet who needed help with putting a new roof on. This is a great collaboration between Kevin Weaver construction, Warrior Brotherhood MC PA Chapter A, and Roots for Boots! PA Chapter Annually supports the Matthew “Scrapper” Hanes Memorial ROTC Scholarship fund at Dickinson College. They also have 2 miles of highway that they maintain and keep clean. WBMCPA was proud to present a check this morning for $11,000 to the Dickinson College ‘Blue Mountain Battalion’ Army ROTC program. They remodeled a bathroom to help make it more accessible for a disabled Vietnam Veteran. Assisted a Korean War Veteran and his spouse with lawn care while he was recuperating from surgery. They also assisted an Iraq Veteran with groceries and supplies after his home was devastated by fire.
- SC Chapter Has donated $750 to Palmetto Military Support Group helping local veterans. Assisted the Patriots Villas Homeless Vet Village by providing bicycle racks and Easter baskets for families housed there. Donated time and food for the Carolina Honda Stuff-a-truck Feed the Vets event. Raised awareness to the veteran suicide pandemic by supporting Mission 22 in various ways.
- GA Chapter has been doing a lot with the Homeless Vets Tiny home project in Savannah. We are working with Savannah Harley and the City of Savannah housing authority. It’s a big issue finding homes for homeless Vets.
- Michigan Chapter keeping the mission alive: Recently put in a wheelchair ramp for a Vietnam Air Force vet here in northern Mich. Tom Stemple has severe Ankylosing Spondylitis, stage 3 OPD and had a stroke a few months ago. He can stand up but can not walk and must use a wheelchair to get around. On top of this his wife was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer and has been going for chemo, radiation and surgery. My wife, Special K has been running her to doctor appointment and treatments, cooking food for both of them and delivering meds to their home. With winter setting in the ramp is a welcome addition to their home and something they cannot afford on their own. Feel free to share with everyone. Vets Helping Vets!!

- NY Chapter

- Warrior Brotherhood MC, IL Chapter, made an 850 pound food drop to a recently reopened struggling Morton VFW Post 5921 who reached out to us, they are able to trade it to their food bank for $1/lb, the $850 they receive will greatly assist this VFW in their mission. Illinois Chapter dropped off 685lbs of food and tons of clothes, shoes, toys and more to the Midwest Veterans Closet in north Chicago to help local veterans!
PA Chapter does a Turkey drop to make sure Veterans have turkey for thanksgiving!
MA Chapter donated a flag pole to the widow of a Vietnam veteran. The old flag pole had been put up by her late husband Buzz, but unfortunately had been damaged and knocked down by a severe storm. On behalf of a grateful nation, welcome home Buzz and all Vietnam veterans.